Strategic Plan

About our Strategic Plan

Santa Rosa Community Health’s (SRCH) Strategic Plan outlines SRCH’s exciting three-year strategic plan for July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2024. We are eager to embark on a new strategic direction that fully centers our strong commitment to eliminating health inequities. Our plan addresses foundational and infrastructural needs in support of programs that ensure the well-being of our patients, administrative and medical staff, and community members through four key strategic priorities:

1. Advance Health Equity

2. Eliminate Health Disparities

3. Achieve Service Excellence

4. Inspire Joy at Work


Click here to read our full Strategic Plan.

A Renewed Vision & Mission

2021 also marks our 25th anniversary. Starting as a single health center in 1996, we’re proud of what we’ve accomplished and inspired for the road forward. We renewed our vision, mission, and values to reflect this inspiration and our commitment.

Our Vision: A just and healthy community where all people can achieve their full potential for health and well-being.

Our Mission: United in heart, health, and justice, SRCH provides excellent, comprehensive, culturally responsive health care that meets the needs of our diverse community.

Our Values:

JUSTICE: Everyone deserves the right to a full and healthy life.

EQUITY: Everyone should receive the highest quality care that honors them and meets their unique needs.

CLINICAL EXCELLENCE: Continuous learning and innovation is essential for excellent care.

COMPASSION: A loving and safe environment is essential for healing.

RESPECT: All who enter our doors are heard, valued, and respected.

PARTNERSHIP: The journey to health and wellness is a shared collaboration with our patients, our team and our community.

RESPONSIVENESS: Responsiveness to the people and community we serve guides our work.


Click here to read our full Strategic Plan.


Su seguridad y acceso a atención médica son nuestra prioridad. Estamos dedicados a asegurar su privacidad y brindar clínicas seguras, protegidas y acogedoras para todos. Más información | Your safety and access to quality care are top priorities. We’re dedicated to ensuring your privacy and providing safe, protected, & welcoming clinics for all. Learn more