Costs & Insurance

Everyone is welcome at Santa Rosa Community Health; you will not be denied service even if you’re uninsured or can’t afford to pay. We work with patients and our community partners to find solutions that go beyond clinical care and make a measurable difference in our patients’ lives. Empowering people is part of health and healing.

We accept the following insurance coverage:

*PPO Plans must be assigned to an SRCH Provider, if applicable. HMO and EPO Plans must be assigned to SRCH and SRCH Provider.

We can help you get health coverage!

Call 707-547-3030 today to set up a free appointment with one of our Access Navigators, who can help you apply for coverage that meets your needs. Covered California open enrollment ends Jan. 31, but Medi-Cal enrollment is year-round. Access Navigators are available from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday. Please leave a clear voice message; your call will be returned in 48–72 hours

What if I’m uninsured or cannot afford to pay?

If you’re uninsured or cannot afford to pay, you may qualify for a reduced price for some services and treatments at our campuses. The exact amount you pay depends on your income and family size. This is the “Sliding Scale.”

Once you qualify for the Sliding Scale, you can use it for 12 months. You must let us know if your income or family size changes during those 12 months.

Sliding Scale Income Grid 2024-English


Example of Sliding Scale costs:


How to qualify for the Sliding Scale

To qualify, you must bring in proof of your family’s income. You can bring any of these things to show proof:


What if I don’t know my income?

If you don’t know your family’s exact income, you can estimate. But if you don’t bring proof of income back to the health center, you will be charged full price.


Ways to pay

We accept cash, checks, and credit cards. You get an additional $4-$7 off normal rates if you are on the sliding scale and pay at the time of service. We can also arrange payment plans to fit your budget.


What if I don’t qualify for the Sliding Scale?

If you don’t qualify for the Sliding Scale, you get 20% off normal rates if you pay at the time of service. We can also arrange payment plans to fit your budget.


Questions about insurance or fees?

Call any of our Campuses with questions about costs and insurance. If you need translation services, click here.

Su seguridad y acceso a atención médica son nuestra prioridad. Estamos dedicados a asegurar su privacidad y brindar clínicas seguras, protegidas y acogedoras para todos. Más información | Your safety and access to quality care are top priorities. We’re dedicated to ensuring your privacy and providing safe, protected, & welcoming clinics for all. Learn more