Make an Appointment

To schedule an appointment, call 707-303-3600.

We now schedule same-day or urgent appointments for new patients!

To schedule an appointment at a specific location, please see below.

Caritas Campus 707-303-3600

Dental Campus 707-303-3600

Dutton Campus 707-303-3600

Elsie Allen Campus 707-583-8777

Lombardi Campus 707-303-3600

Pediatric Campus 707-303-3600

Vista Campus 707-303-3600

New patient?

Please don’t wait until you’re sick to call for an appointment! Call for a “new patient appointment,” and we’ll help you choose a provider that meets your needs. We’ll mail you a “new patient” letter with important paperwork to fill out before your visit.

Your privacy

Santa Rosa Community Health follows all federal Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) requirements to make sure your medical records stay secure, private and safe.

All new patients must sign a form to show they received a copy of the Privacy Policy

If you need translation services, click here.

Su seguridad y acceso a atención médica son nuestra prioridad. Estamos dedicados a asegurar su privacidad y brindar clínicas seguras, protegidas y acogedoras para todos. Más información | Your safety and access to quality care are top priorities. We’re dedicated to ensuring your privacy and providing safe, protected, & welcoming clinics for all. Learn more