COVID-19 Resources

Santa Rosa Community Health is working with our local public health and community partners to make sure everyone gets the testing, vaccines, and support they need during COVID-19.

Below are a variety of resources that may be useful. You can also talk to your care team during a visit. They are ready and happy to help!


SRCH Information Handouts:

COVID-19 Local Resources to Help You

COVID-19 Fact Sheet

How to Wash Your Hands

Tips for Social/Physical Distancing

How To Mask

DIY: How to make a face mask (CDC recommendation)- It is critical to emphasize that maintaining 6-feet social distancing remains important to slowing the spread of the virus. Household face masks can be used as an additional, voluntary public health measure, if a traditional mask is not available.

How to Isolate at Home

COVID-19 & Public Charge 

Disaster Relief for Immigrants

Caring for Children During COVID-19

One-on-One Time– Handout from World Health Organization

Keeping it Positive– Handout from World Health Organization

Structure Up– Handout from World Health Organization

Bad Behavior– Handout from World Health Organization

Keep Calm and Manage Stress – Handout from World Health Organization

Talking About COVID-19– Handout from World Health Organization

Charlie learns about coronavirus– Book

My Hero is You, Storybook for Children on COVID-19 -Book

SRCH Patient Information Videos:

What is COVID-19 :

It’s normal to have questions or to feel anxious about COVID-19. Watch this video to learn what it is, how it spreads, and what you can do to protect yourself and others

5 Steps to Hand Washing :

Protecting yourself and others from COVID-19 is in your hands. Here are the 5 simple steps to washing your hands.

Call First:

If you think you may have COVID-19, here’s why it’s important to call first and avoid exposing others to the coronavirus.

Social (Physical) Distancing: Why it’s important…

Find out why social (physical) distancing is important for slowing the spread of COVID-19 and how to put it into practice.

Social (Physical) Distancing: How to do it…

Find out 7 things you can do while social distancing to keep busy, stay connected, and keep your sanity.

Other Important Resources:

CDC (Centers for Disease Control)

Sonoma County 2-1-1 information via text Or Text: 211211 Message: Covid

SoCo Emergency

NorCal Resources– Online Community and Social Services Directory 

Su seguridad y acceso a atención médica son nuestra prioridad. Estamos dedicados a asegurar su privacidad y brindar clínicas seguras, protegidas y acogedoras para todos. Más información | Your safety and access to quality care are top priorities. We’re dedicated to ensuring your privacy and providing safe, protected, & welcoming clinics for all. Learn more