Epic Tools and Support

We provide lots of tools and support for your successful completion of both the hiking and fundraising parts of the Challenge:

“It was the largest amount I’ve ever fundraised AND the most difficult physical challenge I’ve done. It showed me I can set very large goals and chip away at them to accomplish them! I gained confidence in my physical abilities, went off my blood pressure medication, and made new hiking buddies!”

Barbara Thorsen, 2020 Challenger

“I am proud that I stepped out of my comfort zone and became a fundraiser. I put myself out there and learned that people want to give for a good cause when I was brave enough to ask. My biggest achievements were making my goals (both hiking and fundraising), putting in the work to reach my goals, and being able to see how much support I had from my husband and teenage son. I knew that my son was proud of me when he got up at 4:30 am to volunteer on Challenge Day.”

Tricia G., 2020 Challenger

Push your limits. Challenge yourself. Make an epic difference.

Questions? Contact Malloy Schaffner at epic@srhealth.org

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