Epic Trail Challenge

About the Challenge

Registration for the 2023 Challenge is now closed. E-mail us at epic@srhealth.org to join our interest list for future Challenges!

The Epic Trail Challenge is an in-person endurance hike that raises funds to support Santa Rosa Community Health.  The Challenge (and the 14 weeks of training that lead up to it) takes place along our amazing Sonoma County trails.

Epic Trail Challenge
Sonoma County, CA
Saturday, May 13, 2023


The Epic Trail Challenge is a one-day, 11—or 20-mile hike that will strengthen you physically, mentally, and emotionally while also directly impacting the health of our community.

The Epic Trail Challenge provides natural stress relief, breathtaking views from the trails of Sonoma County, and the confidence, motivation, camaraderie, and support needed to step into your fullest, healthiest self!

This is a hike, not a race, and it caters to all skill levels, from novices to advanced trail enthusiasts. Practice hikes begin February 4, 2023, and increase in length and difficulty for the 14 weeks leading up to Challenge Day — May 13, 2023. Practice hikes, along with our training schedule and regular clinics with Training Partners, complete 14 full weeks of all the preparation you need to achieve your Epic goal.


Push your limits. Challenge yourself. Make an epic difference.

Questions? Contact Malloy Schaffner at epic@srhealth.org


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